
Notes for Applicants

Any applicant for membership will become a probationary member for a minimum period of 13 weeks.

Applicants under the age of 16 must be supervised by a responsible adult whilst on club premises. Juniors are admitted at the discretion of the club.

All applicants must provide 2 referees (please see/download referee form) who have known the applicant for a minimum 2 years and are not family members. These referees will be contacted before new applicants will be allowed to come and shoot at the club.

Applicants will be contacted after references have been followed up and informed when they can shoot at the club.

All new applications will have their photograph taken at the club for identification purposes.

After the probationary period the applicant must apply for full membership or cease to attend the club. Probationers who, without good cause, have not attended regularly during their probationary period will not be considered for full membership.

Any full member not attending at least twice in a 12 month period, without good cause, will be considered lapsed.

Lapsed members may reapply to become a probationer, but may have to re-join a waiting list.

All members (full and probationary) must sign the attendance register on each visit,

The fee for probationary membership is £60, which is non-refundable. The fee is payable when the membership form is returned or on the first visit to the club if application is made online.

The fee for full membership is £125 per year. Memberships start on the 1st of October each year, for new full members the fee due will be the pro rata amount from the date of approval for full membership until the next 30th of September. Any member who has not renewed by 31 December will be deemed to have resigned from the club.

Deliberately supplying incorrect or misleading information on this form is grounds for immediate expulsion from the club.

Wherever possible communication regarding membership will be made via email.

This form may be returned in person to the club or preferably by email to

The police will be informed of your application to join the club.


Applicants are advised that completed forms will be kept securely on file and details on computer for a minimum of six years. By joining the club you are giving consent for the club to hold this information about you, use it for the purpose of maintaining its register of members and accounts, and if required to supply it to the police, home office or other bodies authorised to receive it.